My boss bought a book and asked me to read it. I saw there are a lot of picture, so I thought it's a book about design, and I had no interest in it. One day, I had nothing to do (It's lie ~ I had many tasks but my brain stopped thinking haha, I needed a diversion) finally I opened this book: How to Have Great Ideas. Evidently, I found out that this book contains some real ways to be creative. Wew. It's 3 months after my boss bought this book, If I wasn't too lazy to read it, maybe I would be a creative person today. This book can be used as a practical handbook for unleashing creativity. But, It's never too late to learn something, so here the resume of this book:
Creative thinking is the process of generating the ideas that make breakthroughs possible. These breakthroughs can lead to solutions to seemingly irresolvable problems, or can bring completely new things into existence. These guides to have creative thinking:
Here my imagination haha. First, I drew McDonald's Logo (the yellow M), then I drew a standing-flower-vase :D
2. Be Playful - Go out to play and put your game-face on when you play. Beside that, you can challenge yourself to create something new from anything that seems useless (eg. make a picture frame from a used cardboard).
Here my creation. I made a comfortable chair (shofi's version) using scrap paper.
3. Write Your Manifesto - A manifesto is a public declaration of the beliefs and objectives of an individual or a group, you can say it is like a motto, or mantra, or something like that. So, write a manifesto for yourself! Don't be default! Clarify and state your own creative standpoint! This is a manifesto of LEGO.
Here my manifesto because sometimes I am too lazy do something that I want, so mine is about "Just Do It".
4. Question, Question, Question - See the problem as a puzzle, and use questions to gather as many pieces as possible by methodically establishing as many facts as you can. The 1st step is: Don't be afraid to ask . If you're afraid, writing down all the things you're afraid to ask and swapping them with other team members. The 2nd step is: Use questions to open up a problem.
Actually, before I read this book, my boss had asked me several times to write a question about self-development. And after I read this book, finally I understand why my boss asked me to do it and why I should ask often. Here some of my questions:
1. How can we define a strong character?
2. How to deal with praises?
3. How to make everyone happy?
4. Why do we have to look attractive?
5. Keep it simple - Creativity is making the complicated simple, so simplify and personalize the problem, then simplify the solution. How to train this? You can try: (1) Read an article without read the the title, than simplify complex news items into as few words as possible. (2) Writer Ernest Hemingway famously laid down a challenge ti write a story in six words. Try it. (i give you this link as an example : )
Here's my seven words story:
6. Just Get Started - You can begin by simply writing down your first thoughts. So, fill in the title of your latest project here:
Just get started on . . . . . . . .