My boss bought a book and asked me to read it. I saw there are a lot of picture, so I thought it's a book about design, and I had no interest in it. One day, I had nothing to do (It's lie ~ I had many tasks but my brain stopped thinking haha, I needed a diversion) finally I opened this book: How to Have Great Ideas. Evidently, I found out that this book contains some real ways to be creative. Wew. It's 3 months after my boss bought this book, If I wasn't too lazy to read it, maybe I would be a creative person today. This book can be used as a practical handbook for unleashing creativity. But, It's never too late to learn something, so here the resume of this book:
Creative thinking is the process of generating the ideas that make breakthroughs possible. These breakthroughs can lead to solutions to seemingly irresolvable problems, or can bring completely new things into existence. These guides to have creative thinking: (you can see no 1 - 6 here)
This is the example from my experience
Problem: I created a seminar, but the audience that attended there were a bit ehmmm, few. hahaha.
First Idea: Ask the WBA (Wardah Beauty Agent) to invite their friends (min. 5 person) to attend this Seminar. We have 20 WBAs, so there will be (minimal) 100 aundiences.
Result: We had 110 audiences :D
Problem: I created a seminar, but the audience that attended there were a bit ehmmm, few. hahaha.
First Idea: Ask the WBA (Wardah Beauty Agent) to invite their friends (min. 5 person) to attend this Seminar. We have 20 WBAs, so there will be (minimal) 100 aundiences.
Result: We had 110 audiences :D
8. Voice Your Wildest Concept - A fear of derision or humiliation means many great ideas often go undsaid, sometimes it needs fancy job title or high status to feel confident enough to share your thinking, don't worry, just voice your wildest idea! Because we need the comment from media/competitor/anyone to make our idea better..
And hmmm I think I have no wildest concept, but gimme time, let me think about it, and i will write here asap :D
(it's not the wildest one, but I think it's wild enough :D)
I always want to try to be an industrial spy because when I was little I wanna become a detective :D So, I will join some communities of our competitors. Hehe hehe hehe.
9. Act Like A Kid - Acting like a kid again can be immensely productive when setting out to generate ideas. Children dive unstoppably into activities with an enthusiasm rarely seen in adults.
If it's hard, play children's toy or go to playzone (Amazone, Timezone, Game Master, etc). I always automatically be like a kid :D
Here I am:
What great ideas did I get?
When I need to workout but too lazy to do it, just play a game like this :D
10. Take Notice - Creative people are expert noticers. Get the habit of curiosity, and then you will find indeas will catch your eye. To see things afresh try taking different route to somewhere you often go, or travel by a different means, etc.
Project to train our "notice" skill:
Spot and collect the faces, animals, letterforms and nummbers that are accidentally created by wear, repair, time, decay, spillage, etc. Collect and record what you discover with cameraphone, camera, or a notebook.Here's mine:
I think this "fanta and sprite" is like my country's flag, red and white :D hohoho.
10. Visualize It - Visualizing idea by drawing it helps the quarter/half formed ideas becomes fully formed. You don't have to be good at art, just scribble, doodle, or scarwl. Visualizing helps share ideas with other too. Get it down so you don't let it down!
Practice visualizing by drawing things that are unseeable in the real world. Here what I made: The Brain of Mathematician look like: wkwkwkwk full of formulas :D

Practice visualizing by drawing things that are unseeable in the real world. Here what I made: The Brain of Mathematician look like: wkwkwkwk full of formulas :D
11. Get Help - Find some collaborators. Working with others helps nurture and develop ideas. Get a consigliere!
Previous: Book - How to Have Great Ideas (Part 1)
(I will update every time I've done the exercise of each section)
For more information and tips, buy and read the book :D
For more information and tips, buy and read the book :D